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In today’s fast paced world the last thing you want to wait for is money to come through and jump through all the hoops. That is what drives Push Pay; fast, easy and secure method for monetary exchanges. Getting its start by working with churches, Push Pay has become a respected commerce tool that has assisted many businesses. Push Pay would be just a dream if not for the hard working men and women who help keep the platform running, which is why the CEO’s decided to throw a holiday party to show their deep thanks to their wonderful staff. Taking place at the Seattle Design Center in Seattle Washington, Stokes was excited to help them put together a spectacular space to celebrate.


You can not have a party without music, so, Stokes build a truss system to hang eight line array speakers to pump out the jams. Using Eiki 5k projectors, a animated Push Pay logo was projected around the entrance of the room. Bistro sting lights along with red and white colored LED up lighting around the room to add to the holiday decor. The room was transformed from a empty space into a holiday space, where guests could set their cares aside and enjoy the cheerful season.